Sunday we went down to Les Grove Park in Auburn to help celebrate Damien's 6th birthday. We arrived early so we could help Daniel and Jessica set up for the party. Daniel and Pete both brought their bbq's down to grill up some hamburgers and hotdogs. Jessica had asked if I would make and decorate Damien's birthday cake. He requested a 'soccer ball' cake. I was more than happy to say yes to his request, though a little nervous about how I was going to transport it down without ruining it (all worked out just fine in the end). The party was a lot of fun. You couldn't have asked for better weather, with the sun shining brightly! The party consisted mostly of Jessica's side of the family, with us, Uncle Dale and Sherry, and Aunt Janet and Franie representing the "Nielsen" side. It was nice to chat with everyone. I enjoyed when Damien opened up his gifts, especially the one we gave him. A few weeks back when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said "a birdhouse". So we picked up a birdhouse kit from Lowes that he can build with his dad and a bag of birdseed. Well, when he opened his gift, he first pulled out the bag of birdseed. The expression of cluelessness and the look of "uh, thanks?" as he looked at the bag of birdseed was priceless. Pete and I couldn't help but laugh. Gotta love Damien! At the end, we stayed behind to help them clean up as well. We had a great time. I'm just glad we get a break from 'family birthdays' until June, although our next two weekends consist of 'friend birthdays' for the boys. It just never ends! :)'s a pic of the boys in time out. They decided to go down to the (extremely busy) playground without proper adult supervision AND without telling me or Pete. Needless to say they got in serious trouble and couldn't play on the playground during the remaining time at the party.

Damien's birthday cake. Made with love from his 'favorite' auntie :)

Damien opening his gifts.

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