Sunday, June 2, 2019

Goodbye Buddy

We tried soooo hard to make this work. Peter, boys and I just became too exasperated with Buddy. We truly believe there some dogs who are just little ungrateful sh!%$. All was going good. I think we had him for about a month or so when one weekend he escaped 5 times. Seriously?! That led to us buying him a wireless collar. But he quickly realized that if the battery went dead and we weren't quick enough to replace it, he would dig under the fence to escape. This happened a few times. One of those times ended up with us not being able to track him down the neighborhood. Later that day I decided to search on Facebook for "found jack russell" in my community group, and by golly there he was. He had been found by a neighbor one street over from us. Peter said it was up to me if I wanted to contact the lady (haha). I did the right thing and brought him home. Besides escaping, he decided to start craping all over the place. He would start growling at all the other dogs if they got close to us while he was sitting near us. And I'm pretty sure he was the one who instigated tearing up the couch cushion (we at first blamed Jasmine). After each incident that involved Buddy, I really wanted to find him a new home. But at the same time, Peter and I didn't want to give up on the dog. We really tried hard to keep him in the family. Well, that all changed this weekend. When Peter came home from work this past Friday, he was to grab the dogs and a few items to bring up for our camping trip to Flowing Lake. He gets home only to find Buddy had escaped again. He decided "oh well", and packed up his car. Just as he was about to get in to drive off, he sees a little girl walking down the sidewalk with her dad......with Buddy! They stopped and asked Peter if he was our dog. Peter said yes (though afterwards he did share with me for a split second he almost said no lol). Peter was pissed. As he saw Buddy walking down the sidewalk with this little girl, he looked oh so happy like "La-de-da, I have a new family. I'm as happy as can be". Once Buddy saw Peter, he totally changed his tune like "oh crap, I'm in trouble". So Peter drove up to the campsite and tells me this story. And I've had enough of this ungrateful dog. When the Brignones showed up to camp, I  carefully approached the subject of Buddy, thinking they might get upset with us if we got rid...I mean rehome....the dog. To my surprise Dee and Steve basically gave us their blessing and said we lasted a lot longer than anticipated. HAHAHAHA. that Saturday night I posted an ad on Craigslist. By Sunday afternoon after we got home from camping we met up with Buddy's new owners. Goodbye Buddy. Unfortunately, you won't be missed by our little family. 

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