This past Saturday we were invited over to Jon & Halley (and their son Bob's) house for their annual flashlight Easter egg hunt and potluck dinner. We were the first to show up, followed by another guy (named John) with his two kids. So we're all just chit chatting in the kitchen as Halley finishes up her food dishes and Jon works on arranging the drink station. All of a sudden, we hear a loud
POP from Jon opening the champagne bottle. It makes everyone jump and look over at him. Jon has a funny look on his face and he's still gripping the neck of the bottle. He takes his hand away, but keeps it in a fist. At this point, everyone starts to notice the little bit of blood on the top of his hand and blood droplets on the wood floor! Jon and Peter immediately walk over to the sink to look at rinsing the hand and inspect the cut. Peter took one look, turned off the water from the sink and said "nope, close your fist back up, we're going to the hospital". And off they went!! They were gone four hours (!) and Jon ended up with 12 stitches! Poor guy. (Upon further inspection of the champagne bottle, it was clearly a manufacturing defect)
Poor Jon!

Meanwhile, while Peter and Jon are at the hospital, the rest of the guests arrive for the party. Us moms sat in the living room to chat away while all the kids ran about playing. Halley was trying to wait on dinner until the guys got back, but the hours kept ticking away, so we finally ate. The food was amazing (Halley is an amazing cook, so you never leave hungry or disappointed). Once it was dark enough outside, the kids did their Easter egg hunt. There were soooo many eggs! I think it took everyone 30 minutes just to empty out all their eggs. I believe it was after 9 pm when dessert made it's way out. Around that time Jon and Peter finally made it back home. The night continued on with more conversation, kids running around playing, and Halley making all the kids cotton candy (she bought her son a machine for Xmas...and we're not talking some small counter-top thing!). It was after 1 am when Peter and I decided we needed to start heading home. It was a great party and we had such a great time!
Since Halley knows I like to bake, she asked that I bring dessert. So I whipped up my Vanilla Rich Chip Cake and some cute Easter cookies for the kids.
Potluck Dinner
Mixing up the Easter Eggs before the hunt. There were so many the kids could practically swim in the pile!
Making the kids pose for pics
And the hunt is on!
The boys with their loot
Midnight snack anyone?!
It was after 1 am when Clifford finally past out on their couch. I guess it was his hint to us that it was time to leave.
And here he is passed out on our couch with his teddy bear. So sweet!