Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer Vacation - Week 7

Week 7 of our summer vacation has been low-key for the most part. The main event for us was going on a family backpacking trip over the weekend. Our destination was to be Surprise Lake up Stevens Pass. However, as we were driving along, we could see dark clouds in the distance and then lightening! As we got closer to where we needed to pull off for the road leading to the trailhead, the rain started in. It then turned into a downpour. It was so bad that we had a hard time seeing out even with the windshield wipers on high. While this is all going on, Peter and I start to worry.....we didn't pack any rain gear, nor did we bring a tarp for our tent. At one point at home while packing up for our trip Pete asked me if I was packing my rain jacket. I responded with "Why? The weather has been great." Which was true, but neither of us bothered to check the weather forecast for any of the passes. Lesson learned...always be prepared! Anyhow, we made it to the trialhead. Pete gets out of the car for just a few minutes before coming back in drenched and informs us we're not doing this. We drove back down the Pass and see the rain has let up further down. Trying to keep a positive note, I suggested to Pete that we find a different place to go. So we headed to Dorothy Lake. The sun was shining there and we figured the rain had passed that area. All was good. The hike was great with no complaints. We found a secluded campsite to stay. Peter and I set up camp while the boys played in the lake. Dinner was scrumptious, and we played a few games of Uno before going to bed. The next morning we all woke up refreshed. We ate a hearty breakfast before going out on the lake to float on our sleeping pads. For whatever reason, Clifford wouldn't come out with us, so he stayed behind. Sheeba even swam out with us. After an hour or so, Kristjan and Pete went back to camp while Clifford and I stayed out to fish. THEN it started. I thought a plane was passing in the far distant, but the noise never stopped. When I looked up at the sky, dark clouds were moving in. At that same time Pete called for us to come back in. The rainstorm we thought we had missed was coming our way and it was coming fast. We had to leave. Pete fixed lunch while I worked on packing up our sleeping gear. There's nothing quite like the pressure to quickly pack up like having thunder and lightening directly above you while anticipating a downpour to start at any moment. Just as I got the last sleeping pad rolled and stuffed the rain started. Pete and I went as fast as we could to stuff everyone's backpack. The rain let up just slightly as we started our hike out, and of course the sun was shining brightly just as we made it to the car. Oh well. We still had lots of fun and made it out for one night. And we learned our lesson to check the weather beforehand and to always pack our rain gear.

Me and Kristjan during the hike. He is officially wearing a big boy pack, though the pack was still a little loose around his hips. Otherwise he did pretty good!
 Our view from our camp spot
 Boys playing in the water the first night
 Kristjan picking some huckleberries to snack on
 Clifford fishing right after breakfast
 Me sitting in the lake while I keep Clifford company as he attempts to fish. We took turns casting. 
 Kristjan back at camp drying off after floating the lake. This is right before we had to start packing up to leave. 

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