Saturday, December 7, 2013

Visits from Family

A few weeks ago my brother Roddy and his family came over from the Tri-Cities to stay the night at our house. His wife and kids were flying out to California and needed a place to crash, so we said no problem! They have two little boys, Riley and Conner, who are so sweet and cute. We enjoyed dinner together before Pete turned on the Kinect, which Roddy had never played. Him and our boys had fun playing games together. Riley found the boys' overflowing Lego container and was in heaven! We couldn't get him to leave the bedroom. Conner kept trying to be sneaky by putting Lego pieces in his mouth, so we had to keep a close eye on him. The next morning while everyone was still asleep, Roddy and I spent an hour or so talking, which is rare. We've never been close, so this was nice. I really enjoyed it. They took off in the late morning for the airport. It was an enjoyable visit with all of them, and I hope they're able to come back over again sometime.

Then the night before Thanksgiving, Peter's brother Eric and his family stopped by for a quick visit. They were in Seattle for the holiday weekend visiting with Jessica's mom and other family members. Their 3 boys went straight to play with Clifford and Kristjan..and their Legos! (what kid doesn't like Legos??!). Pete and I got to meet their newest addition to the family-their baby girl Rebecca. She's adorable. I held her for the longest time, oohing and ahhing at her. I even got her to smile at me! Pete again turned on the Kinect for Eric and all the boys, which they all had fun bouncing around playing the games. Their oldest William had sweat dripping from his hair by the time they were done playing and had to leave. It was also a nice visit with them. I do enjoy the adult conversations I get with everyone, but my favorite part is seeing my boys interact with their cousins and the memories they're making, since I never had that growing up.

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