Friday, February 24, 2012

Under the Sea Dance

Tonight we attended the school's Under the Sea dance. I went in a few hours prior to help decorate and set up, as well as donated some homemade starfish-shaped sugar cookies for the bake sale. The dance started at 6pm. We invited our neighbors and their 2 kids to come with us. We also gave a ride to the neighbor boy upstairs. Thank goodness we have a big car to hold everyone!! The dance was a lot of fun. Submarine sandwiches with chips and pop were for sale for dinner. I gave the boys some money to purchase a treat from the bake sale as well as some popcorn. The dance lasted for two hours. We basically let the boys roam free. This was the first time ever that Pete and I let them do such a thing and not worry about it. The entrances were guarded with teachers so little ones couldn't escape, and we knew the all the friends the kids were running around playing with, so that put us at ease. The boys and I got a group photo with our neighbor friends. But I must say....the BEST part of the entire evening was watching Clifford and his friend Zach dance!!! Their dance moves were hilarious and they didn't have a care in the world!! Clifford definitely has more techno dance moves while Zach has the hip hop moves. Sara (Zach's mom) and I were laughing our butts off at our sons. We all had a great time!!

Here are pics from the evening:
#1 & #2: the cookies I made for the bake sale. not my best work, but they sold out fast!
#3: boys snacking on some food before they hit up the dance floor
#4 & #5: pete at the start of the dance........and pete at the end of the dance

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