Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am soooo ticked off!!!! I'll try to remember to use proper language in this post, since this is a family blog after all. I've already ranted to Pete and on my Facebook. I just need to get this out, and possibly any (positive) feedback. I'm ticked off at my brother and his wife. My nephew's birthday is in a few weeks. I sent him a cute card with $1. Peter and I have TONS of nieces and nephews, all whom we love and would love to spoil, but with having two kids of our own, money gets tight. To try and make each one feel special, we send a birthday card and then a dollar for each year.

(SIDE NOTE: just to state a fact, Roddy and Tricia did not send either of my boys a birthday gift, a card or even a simple phone call to wish them happy birthday. and my boys adore both of them)

Pete and I wake up this morning to find this comment on my Facebook:

Roddy wrote: "We know what it is already not too happy but it is what it is....i know what you did for riley is not what u have done for all children I remember growing up with you come on"

SERIOUSLY???!! Oh, when I read this my face went blood red!!

(ANOTHER SIDE NOTE:) For xmas last year, my brother was in Afghanistan, while his wife and kid were in Cali. Peter and I made a good size care package to send to Roddy for his gift (as did my other family members), as well as went in on on the money with my family to buy a video game he wanted for when he returned home. We also sent Tricia and Riley their xmas gifts. I get an email on xmas eve from Tricia basically saying that what me and my family did wasn't good enough; wasn't right that Roddy only had one xmas gift (the video game) and she was giving her gift we gave her to him. REALLY??!! We had some (friendly but to the point) words back and forth, until she actually apologized to me)

SERIOUSLY???!! I'm going through this again? What we've done isn't good enough???? It's unbelievable. I'm tired of feeling like I've been slapped in the face by them because what we did isn't enough. Heck, I've already bought all of their xmas gifts for this year. Do I not send those in fear of it not being good enough??! And what are they teaching Riley? To act ungrateful?

Feel free to email comments to me on this

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