Monday, July 18, 2011

Boys Are Back!!!

My boys are back from their two-week vacation in Yakima. It's so good to have them home. Pete and I missed them so much!! They came home around noon. I drove them down to Pete's work so he could give them big hugs. To our surprise, he took the rest of the afternoon off so we could spend time as a family. We hung out at home. Clifford asked me to build Legos with him, which I gladly did. We sat out on the patio, the sun warm on our backs, and built a cool hideout house. Later in the day, Kristjan and I cuddled for a bit on the couch. They also shared with us all the fun things they did. It's great having them back. The house is now full of noise. Within minutes of them being home, the house is messy again (which is fine with me!). I know they had a lot of fun visiting with family, and I'm glad they could stay for as long as they did, but I'm glad they're back home. I love my boys!!!

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