Monday, March 21, 2011
Star Wars Exhibition
Last Friday we went to the Science Center to get a sneak peak at the new Star Was Exhibition before it opened to the public the next day. This was for members only, who could receive up to 6 free tickets. We let Clifford have his friend Xavier join us (who then spent the night at our house for Clifford's first sleepover at home). For a Star Wars fan, it's awesome. When you purchase tickets for the exhibition, you have a timed entry. Ours was for 2pm. We walked around the rest of the Science Center for a bit until we came upon the Millennium Falcon Experience. We waited in line for 45 minutes until it was our turn, which left us with 5 minutes to get to the actual exhibit for our timed entry. The Millenium Falcon Experience is a 5 minute ride where you simulate a jump to lightspeed in a life-size replica of the Millennium Falcon's cockpit. The Star Wars exhibit itself was awesome. Lots of props and costumes. There were lots of interactive hands-on activities. Unfortunately for us, we didn't get to try any of this. The kids (especially Xavier, who kept wondering off from us) wanted to be done with everything and just go to the gift shop (we think if it was just us alone with our boys, they would have enjoyed it much more). We rushed through it in 20 minutes, where in reality, this exhibit can take up to 2 hours if you take your time to enjoy and look at everything. Pete went crazy taking pictures. He was in Star Wars Heaven! We definitely want to go back, at least once without our boys. And if anyone would like to come with us, just ask! Since we're members, tickets are $4. The exhibit is there until the beginning of May. The gift shop is definitely overpriced (of course), though they do have a few items for sale that are more hard to find in other stores. Enjoy the pics below. This is HALF of what Pete took :)

Blast from the Past!
I'm slowly doing some spring cleaning on our offsite storage. The other day I brought home our container full of video game systems. When Pete came home from work he hooked up the N64 so he and the boys could play some Mario Kart. The boys had fun playing. Pete, however, got annoyed and couldn't watch them play because they were 'driving' all over the place on the game.
Mario Kart!
Clifford and Kristjan playing N64 for the first time
Clifford concentrating very hard on the game
Pete having to help Kristjan out
Mario Kart!
Clifford and Kristjan playing N64 for the first time
Clifford concentrating very hard on the game
Pete having to help Kristjan out
Yakima Trip
A few weekends back we took a little trip down to Yakima to visit my family. My brother Roddy recently returned home from Afghanistan, and he and his little family drove up from California to visit, so we went to see them. We were only down there for basically 24 hours, but those hours were jammed-packed with activities. Along with visiting everyone, the boys were (lovingly) spoiled by their Grandma Jane and great grandparents. They gave each boy $20 and took them shopping to buy whatever they wanted. They also took us to the movies to see Rango. We went out to Bob's Burgers and enjoyed a family dinner. The four of us spent the night at Grandma Jane's house. The boys have so much fun sleeping over there. They get a kick out of looking at the pet tarantula and snake. The next morning we said our goodbyes and headed home. We made a quick pitstop in Ellensburg to visit our good friends, the Ramseys. The weekend flew by and was gone before we knew it, but at least we all had some fun.
My nephew Riley. He's so cute!!! He's 'chunked' out since I saw him last November. I love this little guy!

Me and Bella (Maria's youngest daughter). She is so adorable. She reminds me of a little doll
Out to dinner. Pete can never take a serious picture :)
Kristjan LOVES his great-grandma!

This is how the boys slept on the way back home.
My nephew Riley. He's so cute!!! He's 'chunked' out since I saw him last November. I love this little guy!
Me and Bella (Maria's youngest daughter). She is so adorable. She reminds me of a little doll
Out to dinner. Pete can never take a serious picture :)
Kristjan LOVES his great-grandma!
This is how the boys slept on the way back home.
Kristjan's a Super Star!!
Starting today in preschool, it's Kristjan's turn to be "Super Star" of the week. Over the weekend I helped him fill out an "all about me" form and helped him put together a poster board full of pics. Today was his snack day, so he took pretzels and nilla wafer cookies. He also gets to bring show 'n tell everyday this week.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Why we don't play with knives...
What a morning!! Clifford didn't have school today, but Kristjan had preschool. It's before 8am and I'm trying to finish getting myself ready for the day, when I happened to walk out to the living room and see Clifford in the corner of my eye holding his hand with a painful expression. Next to him, there is a spot of blood on the couch. He had gotten ahold of Pete's pocket knife and sliced his finger. Blood is just oozing out of it. Now, I don't do blood. I will get sick and woozy with the possibility of passing out. Luckily, this time, that didn't happen. I put Clifford's finger under running water and had him apply a washcloth to it. I literally walked out of the bathroom for a minute to call Pete at work when I heard a 'thunk'. I go back in to see Clifford laying between the toilet and the wall with a dazed look on his face. Guess the blood was too much him to handle; he had passed out for a second and hit his head on the floor. I'm 'yelling' at Clifford to focus and to get himself up so I can make sure he's ok. Poor Clifford; his entire face and lips were white as chalk. About that time Pete calls me back. I told him I'd be swinging by his work to have him look at Clifford's finger and see if he needs stitches. While I'm talking to Pete, Kristjan is trying to be a nice little brother and put a band-aid on Clifford :)
So we get to Pete's work. He takes a look at it and decides that a band-aid won't fix this. It just so happens that Pete's work is up the road from out family doctor. We head there and see if they can fix Clifford up and save us a trip to the hospital (and an outrageous charge to our insurance). Pete stayed with Clifford while I took Kristjan to school. Shortly after I arrived back to the doctor's office, Pete and Clifford came out. Clifford avoided stitches. The doctor 'super-glued' his finger and bandaged him up. He has to keep it dry and bandaged up for about 3 days, then just wear a band-aid for a week after that.
We think (hopefully!) Clifford learned his lesson with this :)

So we get to Pete's work. He takes a look at it and decides that a band-aid won't fix this. It just so happens that Pete's work is up the road from out family doctor. We head there and see if they can fix Clifford up and save us a trip to the hospital (and an outrageous charge to our insurance). Pete stayed with Clifford while I took Kristjan to school. Shortly after I arrived back to the doctor's office, Pete and Clifford came out. Clifford avoided stitches. The doctor 'super-glued' his finger and bandaged him up. He has to keep it dry and bandaged up for about 3 days, then just wear a band-aid for a week after that.
We think (hopefully!) Clifford learned his lesson with this :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Oh Baby!!
As of last night, I became a mom of three boys....for the weekend. Jessica flies out this morning to Arizona for her birthday weekend and Daniel is sick-get this-with pneumonia, bronchitis, a sinus infection AND an ear infection!! He went to the hospital yesterday to get looked at and the doctor delivered that diagnosis to him. So he's home taking care of the two older boys while Jessica is gone, and we're helping out by watching Donavan at our house. If Daniel ends up feeling better, he'll come pick the baby up over the weekend. If not, we'll have Donavan until Tuesday or Wednesday. So far everything is going good. He only woke up once during the night, which I just had to give him his bottle and he went back to sleep. He slept in until 7:30am. I rushed around getting everyone ready for the day. Thankfully, Clifford has school today and tomorrow! Makes life a little easier only have 2 kids at home during the day. I got a call this morning from Pete after dropping Clifford at school. Pete has been a bit under the weather with an awful cough, so he's going to the doctor today. I'm hoping it's nothing serious because I can't handle taking care of FOUR BOYS this weekend :)
Donavan enjoying a yummy breakfast of peaches and eggs
Donavan enjoying a yummy breakfast of peaches and eggs
Preschool Projects
Kristjan is back in school after having mid-winter break. He brought home some Valentines projects. There is also a pic of him wearing his birthday crown. Before break, when he brought snacks in to celebrate his birthday, his teachers forgot to make him his crown to wear on his special day because a few days prior to that his teacher was in a little accident and ended up breaking her wrist. So to make up for it, they gave it for him to wear all day Tuesday :)

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