Tonight we celebrated Kristjan's birthday. Kristjan chose to have mac 'n cheese for his birthday dinner. I tried making it from scratch, but it didn't turn out too good, though we ate it anyway. After dinner Kristjan opened up his gift from us: a new little mermaid doll set for the bathtub. For his birthday dessert he wanted cookies 'n cream ice cream.
I can't believe I was in the hospital having Kristjan five years ago today!

Fun facts about Kristjan's birth:
He was planned!! well.....for the most part. haha. I got pregnant with Kristjan when Clifford was four months old. With all the hormones running rampant, I wanted to have another baby soon. So our mindset was 'if it happens, it happens', though we honestly didn't think we'd be having another little one exactly 13 months from our first one!! :)
We knew with him we were having a boy. There was no doubt about it. During the ultrasound, the nurse could immediately tell the sex of our baby. I had the nurse type 'boy' on the picture next to Kristjan's boy parts to confirm it 100%.
Pete got to name Clifford. It was my turn to have complete control of naming this one. I wanted Christian Glenn. It wasn't until we were at a Nielsen family reunion on Lopez Island that I decided to change the spelling. I was reading some old newspaper articles and one was about Pete's Uncle Mike, whose real name was Kristjan, pronounced 'krist-yawn' (it was explained that he changed his name to Mike to make himself more 'American' when coming to America from Denmark). I loved the spelling! I told Pete immediately that was how we would spell our son's name. Plus it has more meaning since it's a family name. As for his middle name, Glenn, it's named for after my grandfather.
There were no complications with my pregnancy with Kristjan. I had a different doctor with this pregnancy and my doctor was going to let me attempt a vbac. Sadly, my body never went into labor and a c-section was scheduled for February 21st.
The c-section wasn't much fun. I remember feeling faint during it and my blood pressure was a little low. Afterwards I spent (I think) almost 2 hours in recovery because my body wouldn't get back up to temp (maybe it wasn't that long, but if felt like it). I remember feeling cold and shivering, plus my face itched like crazy because of the drugs. As for Kristjan, when he was born, his O2 level was low. Pete told me later that the doctor said we were seconds away from him deciding to have Kristjan and me transferred to Children's Hospital if he didn't get his oxygen level up. But at the last second everything turned out fine, with Kristjan's oxygen level going up and him now being a completely healthy little baby boy :)
Here's a look at Kristjan's past birthdays.

I love the look on his face. This is him after he opened his gift from me-a Ken doll! (however, he wasn't nearly interested in it as he was Barbie)


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