Eight years ago today Pete and I went on our first date! I love looking back and reminiscing about this day. We met in an english class back in winter quarter 2002 at Yakima Valley Community College. I remember thinking he was the only cute guy in the class. We didn't have assigned seating, so it took me a week to finally get the courage to sit by him and say hi. At the time I was seeing some guy and I think he was kinda seeing his friend Katie (by spring quarter I think we were both single by then). The following quarter we had Economics together. We again sat by each other in this class. Seriously, the only reason I went to that class was because of him! We would talk and pass notes the entire time in class. By the end of the quarter, while we were talking online to each other, he asked me out on a date!!! I was so excited!! We went out for chinese food for dinner. We had a great conversation, getting to know each other better. Afterwards we went to the movies to see "Sum of All Fears". At the end of the night we had our first kiss!!! We ended up going out on two more dates during that week. Then after that, we've been together ever since!! It hasn't always been easy. We don't always agree and we've had our share of bad fights (mainly because of me). But as time has gone on, and we've each grown up a bit, our relationship is honestly the best it's ever been! We have great communication, and we don't keep secrets from each other. Plus, we have two super cute little boys together!! I've always loved Peter throughout the entire time we've been together, but recently as we were talking to each other and reflecting on the past, I've come to realize that I'm completely IN LOVE with him (and him with me)! This may not make sense to others, but when we talk to each other about it, it makes complete sense to us.

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