Monday, February 29, 2016

Kristjan's Choir Performance

Last Thursday was Kristjan's school choir performance. I must say, I'm very proud of him for being so committed to this group. Choir started back in September, and they meet every Tuesday at 7 am. Students are allowed only three absences throughout the year before they're no longer allowed in the group. Right after Christmas break, Kristjan was super tired one morning and wanted to skip, but I wouldn't let him. I'm so glad he didn't miss because he ended up getting an award at the end of the performance for Perfect Attendance!! Way to go Kristjan!! Tomorrow is the last day choir will meet (until next year), which will be a Choir Breakfast Party. So that means Kristjan can go back to sleeping in on Tuesdays, much to his delight. I asked him last night if we planned on doing choir again next year. He said he thinks so, and that he might even try out for Honor Choir, which you only get in via try outs and that group continues meeting after the regular choir session ends. I told him that would be great if he decides to do that next year. So we'll see how that goes :)

Kristjan at his choir performance!
 Perfect Attendance!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Happy Birthday To ME!

I had a very nice birthday this year. I started the morning off by getting boys ready for school and quickly completing my usual morning chores, followed by getting myself all dolled up (i.e., hair AND makeup looking good, and an outfit that didn't consist of a sweatshirt lol). 

Looking good for 33!

After getting myself ready for the day, I headed out with intentions of doing some window shopping at Target. Never soon as I walk in the door and check out the $$$ bins, my hands start filling up quickly! After perusing the store and making my purchase, I decided some pampering was in order. I spent the next 90 minutes enjoying a mani/pedi. I got done with that just in time to go pick up Peter for lunch. We went to Red Robin so I could cash in on my Royalty Rewards for a free birthday burger!

 Found some cute wall decor and notepads (can't get enough of those!). I also bought myself a new Cherry Red lipstick (something I've wanted for a while) and a cute t-shirt to wear on our trip to Disneyland!
 Love the color!! Compliments my new ring well ;)
 I bought myself some flowers. I love how bright the colors are AND they have glitter on them!
 I tried out my new lipstick on the boys. The kiss I gave Clifford wouldn't let me take his picture. Kristjan was more than willing to let me give him one as well and take a pic.

After boys came home from school and completed their homework, I opened my gift from them. They gave me a new Ninja blender! I must say, I was very shocked and impressed with Peter for being so on top of it this year for my birthday. Not only did I get the blender (which he wrapped himself!), but also a  new king size bed, with frame and bedding for me (well, for us...but the intent was it's a birthday gift. It was delivered back in January). To end the evening we went out to dinner at a bbq joint. 

Our little family
 Enjoying a birthday drink
 We decided to order the family platter... soooo much food!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Kristjan!

Kristjan celebrated double digits this year. 10 years old!! Birthday celebrations started on Friday with his friend party. We went with a movie theme this year with a popcorn bar and lots of candy! For the birthday cake, he wanted the Marionette from FNAF, so I tried my hand at using fondant for the first time. Because I'm a perfectionist, Peter ended up helping me out at the very end at creating the Marionette face. It turned out pretty good. As for the cake itself, it was a three-layered chocolate cake...that NO one ate! The kids were too busy wanting to get back to playing around (Peter and I enjoyed a slice for breakfast the next day lol). At the end of the party, Kristjan's best bud Cameron spent the night. I'm guessing there wasn't much sleeping going on during the night because Kristjan took a 3 hour nap the next day.

On his actual birthday (Sunday), Kristjan got to open up his gifts once everyone was ready for the day. The boy got spoiled with Legos, Beanie Boos and My Little Pony....all his favorite! He spent the morning and early afternoon playing with his new toys before we headed out so he could spend his birthday cash. First we stopped at Toys 'R Us so he could buy two new My Little Dolls that he's had his eye one, along with with a Mystery Box which contained a figurine of Kirito (a character he likes from Sword Art Online). Next stop was the mall. Peter took Clifford to spend the rest of his bday money at Gamestop while I took Kristjan to the Lego Store and Build-A-Bear. Later that night, after Clifford's basketball game, we grabbed some take-out at Panda Express (Kristjan's birthday dinner of choice). We ended the night with ice cream sundaes and a movie. Kristjan would agree that he had an awesome birthday this year!

The Cake
 The Decor
 The Candy!!!
 Puppies got booted outside because they couldn't leave the party guests alone
 Kristjan with his friends
 Singing Happy Birthday
All the new goodies Kristjan's friends gave him 
 Saturday morning....last day before entering double digits!
 10 years old! 
 Opening our gifts
 Kristjan's hands were full after spending his birthday money
 Birthday Dinner
 Birthday Dessert

Here's Kristjan after tucking him in bed. This is how he sleeps. He surrounds himself with all his stuffies (as he likes to call them). Tonight he booted out all the normal stuffed animals and now has just Beanie Boos. The crazy thing is every morning when I go to wake him up, none of those stuffed animals fall out of his bed! I'm not sure how he gets a good night sleep...