Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Annette Lake

Two weeks ago we went out for our March backpacking trip. This month's destination was Annette Lake. We left on a Friday as soon as Pete got off work and returned home Saturday by lunch time. The hike in was great. We set up camp, got a fire going, and started on dinner, all while it was still daylight out. This trip we tried out using two tents instead of one big one. We've been talking about doing this, now that the boys are getting bigger. The idea of using two tents is great, but the tent that we used for the boys wasn't ideal. Last summer they were given a kid tent by a friend, and they've been bugging us to let them use it. It's definitely NOT for backpacking. It (of course!) started raining during the middle of the night (and never stopped!), and water leaked in to their tent. They now understand why it should just be a play tent. The next morning, I was ready to leave. Just like the last two camping trips, I had issues falling asleep and didn't really sleep at all. I really just wanted to go home and take a nap. So once we were all awake, Peter worked on making breakfast while I worked on packign up gear. The hike out easy-peasy. Our motivation, as it is with every hike out, was donuts and juice waiting for us at the car. And like our previous two trips, we went home to enjoy a hot shower, put on some comfy pj's, and ordered Chinese take-out for dinner. Three trips down, nine more to ! :)

Two views that we saw while on our hike
While on our last water break before reaching the lake, I happened to glance over at Kristjan and saw this on his hands. I started freaking out (!). Peter I were racking our brains, trying to think if he ate something that caused this (though his face looked fine), or if something had gotten on the strap of the hiking poles he was using. It wasn't until Kristjan mentioned that he had brushed up against some plants...Phew. Stinging Nettle...mystery solved!
 Our first view as we reached the lake
Sheeba loves these trips
 Family Selfie
 Working on setting up camp
 The view from our spot
 Getting a campfire going
 Tucking boys and Sheeba in for bed
 Family pic the morning before hiking out. We were drenched.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

On March 6th we headed down to Yakima for a quick overnight trip. It was my Grandpa's 83rd birthday! It was a little hard for me. Back in January we found out he was diagnosed with Stage III Pancreatic Cancer, and was given roughly 5 months left (shortly after his birthday, the doctor took him off all but his pain meds, and said about 2 months now. So the reality is it's between now and May. How awful to think about). I was told most days my Grandpa sleeps a lot during the day. While we were over visiting, he was awake for all of our visit, and I was told he really enjoyed having us there, especially to see the boys rough housing and being their normal selves. Unfortunately we couldn't stay the entire weekend and had to be back home by Saturday evening. I'm hoping we can make another trip down soon.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
 Boys giving loves to Grandpa before we had to leave for home

End of Basketball

The basketball season ended at the beginning of March. We're actually a little sad about it. The games were so entertaining to watch. And it's always great to see just how much these boys have improved since they started together three years ago. We can definitely see the areas in which Clifford has improved. Something we hope to help him improve on for next year is shooting the ball. You can tell he doesn't have as much confidence with that, since more times than not he tries to pass the ball to someone else rather than trying to make a shot. BUT Clifford DID make a basket this season!! He was so excited about that, as was I. It was of course the one time Peter didn't make it to a game. And of course it was the one time that instead of videotaping, I was taking pictures. And of course those pictures turned out blurry. I'm so upset with myself for that. Oh well, lesson learned...

Picture of the team I snapped while they were posing for group pics. Great kids, wonderful coaches.
 Some misc game shots of Clifford
 These two pics are from when he made his one basket of the season!

A few video clips from various games
 To finish off a great season, we had our team party at Alfy's Pizza. We were all happy to hear that Coach Gary, who typically doesn't coach boys after 4th grade because he feels he's taught them everything he has to offer, WILL return next season to be with this team. How exciting!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ohio Work Trip

During the last week of February Peter flew out to Ohio for Robotic Welder Training. His company recently acquired a robotic welder machine, and he'll be one of the engineers overseeing the machine. So the purpose of the trip was for him to learn how to program and use it. The training consisted of lectures and lots of hands-on practice (see videos). Peter was very excited and enthused about this (which isn't typically the case when it comes to work trips). All he really had to say about the trip was that it was awesome, and he hopes to have the chance to go to future trainings.

Here are the ONLY pics he managed to take of Ohio. He said it was cold.
Videos of misc program runs that Peter had to successfully create.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Birthday To Me!

Well, my birthday came and went (Feb 23). I ended up getting sick with a lousy head cold AND Peter happened to be in Ohio that entire week . So needless to say, it was very uneventful. I managed to go out for a few hours that morning to do some window shopping, followed by picking up some sushi lunch before heading home and planting myself onto the couch for the remainder of the day. I did receive a few lovely gifts from friends and family, as well as a sweet birthday serenade via phone from some awesome nephews and niece.

Maybe next year we'll be better at planning a little something special for me. It never fails. By the time my birthday rolls around I'm just so exhausted from planning all the holidays and boys' birthdays. Maybe I should ask for a spa day ;)

Happy Birthday Kristjan!

A few weeks ago we celebrated Kristjan's 9th birthday. His birthday this year fell on a Saturday, so we did both his friend and family celebration all on the same day. Peter's parents, along with 2 cousins, drove up to spend the day with us. The morning started off with Clifford's basketball game, immediately followed by Kristjan's friend party at the Everett Skate Deck, and then ending with the family dinner birthday celebration and sleepover with his buddy Cameron. Kristjan scored big in the Lego department, receiving lots of cool sets to build, as well as lots of gift money and gift cards to the Lego store (he's been saving up since Xmas to buy the new Elves sets). Looking back at the end of it all, even though it felt a little hectic, the day turned out great and Kristjan had a lot of fun!

Kristjan holding his birthday cupcake (I made him a "safe" one to go along with his class treats)
The birthday boy all dressed up for his party!
The birthday cake
Pics from the roller skating party (I didn't get any pics of actual roller skating. I woke up that morning with a head cold and actually had to leave for home half way through the party, leaving Pete all alone to supervise. He's such a trooper!)
Pics from the family dinner party
The next morning, this is how he spent his entire day :)