I wasn't able to go out shopping for
Black Friday this year, so with a full nights sleep, I decided to get a head start on the weekend and decorate the house for Christmas. The house is about 90% complete. Monday I pick up an order I made towards supporting the 5th grade fundraiser at the boys' school for a live wreath and centerpiece. We're putting up our fake tree again this year, so the live wreaths will help give that Christmas tree pine smell. And with just a few small miscellaneous items, the house should be completely decorated. I took a different approach to decorating the tree this year. Typically, I decorate it myself and just let the boys watch me so they don't break any ornaments. Both boys are older now and I wasn't in the mood to be a '
control freak' on arranging the ornaments, so I let the boys do it. Since we have a small tree, we're unable to put all our ornaments on, so I took out just a handful. Then I told the boys to start decorating. Other than giving them a few tips, I let them have free reign and decorate. They did a great job! Tomorrow I think we'll make some Christmas shaped sugar cookies. I LOVE this time of year!!
Here's a pic of Pete. It's tradition that I do all the decorating while Pete just sits and watches :)

The boys decorating our tree

Clifford and Kristjan with our finished tree

What our living room looks like with the lights off (ignore the power cord running down the wall; not completely done fixing everything up). A few more decorations and everything should be done.

angel for the tree. Kristjan made this himself one year in preschool. For the last three years we've put this on top of our tree. Using it has kind of become a new tradition for us.

I painted the boys their own Christmas tree to put up in their room (I got this idea from a friend). The boys cut out decorations and glued them on to their tree